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 Why cops in Sarina Maxine? Honestly, I don't know. Like I said in my previous post, I started writing this when I was in high school and at that time I guess I thought cops were cool. I grew up watching the show COPS and I lived in a high-crime city so you always saw cops chasing someone down. I just figured it would be a perfect setting for some romance. You got the drama, action, and live-threatening moments where romance naturally blossoms. Well, okay yeah that happens on T.V but still, we can only hope.  It's not just cops, I represent the air force in there too. Javi is loyal, brave, and one tough soldier. Now don't go around thinking I was in the air force because...that's so not true. I wanted Javi to be in the military because I figure that would best fit his personality and also his storyline. As I said before, he comes from a well-off family and was thought to continue the family business. Becoming a soldier is something he wanted to do not just for himself b

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