Rainy Day



Plop, plop, plop...pour!

"Oh come on", I shouted to the universe. 

It was literally nice out before I started walking, where in the world did the rain come from. I'm sure the weatherman said something about rain but I don't listen to that stuff. There are wrong often. A little rain never hurt anyone but I know hypothermia will because it's freezing cold. I'll just turn around to head on back I guess.

Suddenly the rain stopped out of nowhere. 


I looked up to see it was still indeed raining, but an umbrella was the one to come to my rescue and the person holding the umbrella was...

"Tyler? What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"Josh said you were going for a walk and knowing you I knew you didn't check the weather so I tracked you down."

"Knowing you...what's that supposed to mean", I said as I gave him a look. 

"You know what I mean", he said. 

I folded my arms. 

"No, I don't so please...educate me on how I am", I said in a snobby tone. 

"Fine, whatever. I'm going back", he said as he took the umbrella away. 

I was instantly cold again. 

"Wait", I hollered. 

He stopped. 

"Look, can you stop being mean and actually be nice to me. Instead, say something like, 'oh Sarina I'm glad I found you. I figured you didn't bring an umbrella along so here you go'. You know, talk like an actual person."

He let out a sigh.

"Yeah I..."

Before he could attempt his apology I walked up to him, swiping the umbrella out of his hand. 


"I'm cold and wet. I need this more than you."

"So the solution is to make me cold and wet?"

"You are an officer, you get shot and stuff so this is nothing for you, right?"

"One, I'm not an officer at the moment and two, I prefer to stay dry."

He reached over to grab the umbrella. 

"This is your punishment for being mean to me earlier."

"I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry", he said in an annoyed tone. 

"That doesn't sound like you mean it."

We were playing tug of war with the umbrella until it eventually broke apart. We froze. His eyes became small, and I could see the anger building up. 

"Um...I'll buy you a new one", I said with a shrug. 

He closed his eyes for a moment, calming himself down. 

"Tyler I'm sorry...really. I will buy you a new one, this was all my fault. You were just being helpful. I guess I...I don't know, the rain set me off and then the way you came across...", I said as I look towards the ground. 

I felt the umbrella leave my hand. He was still quiet, slowly I looked up at him to see he wasn't angry anymore but he was still quiet. 

"Tyler...are you okay?"

"There are worse situations I could be in right now. I'm not new to getting wet in the rain."

"Right, because you used to hang out with girlfriends in the rain back in high school like Josh said."

"He said what?"

Josh you liar!

I let out a sigh and shook my head. 

"Nevermind. We should head back."


On our way back to Josh's place, the rain started picking up. It was really pouring now. 

We took shelter under a bus shelter, luckily this one had a seat. 

"Yuck, I hate wet shoes", I complained. 


A few minutes passed by. Tyler waived a bus away that thought we were waiting for it. 

"So, you never told me why getting wet in the rain wasn't new for you", I said. 

"Right. Josh and I would play outside on days like this. Our parents hated it of course because we would walk into the house with soaking wet shoes, trekking water everywhere. Despite that, our parents never stopped us, mostly because we never listened. It's just a good memory. I haven't experienced this in a long time."

"That's funny. I would have never imagined that you did that. Josh yes but you, no."

"It's a childish thing, that's why I don't do that."

I suddenly stood up, offering my hand out to him. 


"Come on, let's go to the house."

"It's still pouring."

"So", I said with a giggle. 

He knew what I wanted to do. After a roll of his eyes and a slight smile, he took my hand, never letting it go as we raced through puddles back to the house. 

"That was...fun", I said between breaths.

"Yeah...it was."

"I don't want to get the floor wet so it's best to leave our shoes out here at least."

We took off our shoes, setting them aside to dry. 

I reached for the doorknob but Tyler took my hand before I could take hold of it. 

"Thanks", he said. 

"No problem", I said with a smile. 

He stayed silent while he stared at me. 

"Okay, I know this is like a kissing moment like in the movies but you staring at me is really making me shy so...I'm going back in."

I turned back towards the door. His arms came around my waist, stopping me once again. I could feel the vibration of his chest as he let out a light chuckle. 

"I didn't mean to stare, can you blame me?"

My face got hot. 

"I don't know", I said in a small voice. 

"Hey, you two back already", we heard Josh shout from inside. 

"We better go in before he started spreading rumors about this", Tyler said, annoyed Josh ruined the moment. 

I let out a giggle. 

"Yeah, but first..."

I turned around in his arms, tip-toeing until I could reach to give him a quick kiss, and then I quickly let myself inside. 

"You're soaking wet...are you going to shower together? Too bad you didn't wear white, huh?"

"Josh stop", I said with a laugh. 

"What, the man is clearly having these thoughts. Right Tyler?"

"Shut your mouth before I do it for you", Tyler threatened. 

What a nice rainy day. 


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