Who is Sarina Maxine?

Besides her name being the title of the story (fun fact, I couldn't think of an actual title so I temporarily named it Sarina Maxine and it just stayed that way), Sarina is pretty much me~

Yes me, the author. She was inspired by myself, her personality, and her looks. She was the first character I ever created so it made sense for the first one to be made after myself, you know?

Sarina is pretty positive overall, she does not like Debby downers but can tolerate them. She is not popular, never strived to be but is friendly to everyone she meets. Sarina and I differ when it comes to fashion. She likes to not stick out, preferring bland clothes, mostly sweaters for winter and the usual t-shirts. She doesn't think she's all that, she refers to herself as being average looking. Of course, as a teenager, she longs to experience that relationship even though she never has a desire to go after a guy. Lucky for her, Javier always liked her for who she is but she never thought of him any other way than just friends. 

In the early chapters, you see her struggle to accept what Javi says which is that she's very attractive to him. Javi is the popular guy in the school whereas she never was, anyone would think they wouldn't stand a chance. She just thought he was being nice. Eventually Javi has a serious conversation with her about his feelings, she realizes her chance at a relationship has been in front of her this entire time but, she doesn't want to ruin their friendship. Personally, I have never been in this situation but I would feel the same way. Like, as a teenager I never dated and I wasn't really interested in dating BUT if I had the chance to have a boyfriend I would for sure have taken it (even though my parents were TOTALLY against it). It would be hard to date a best friend because you know how teen break-ups are, MESSY! She didn't want that to happen and so the contract came along. 

Yes, also known as "friends-with-benefits", the term Javi refuses to call their relationship, it's basically what they have throughout the story. Of course, Javi is super thrilled to finally kiss her and get a little bit intimate. He of course does not cross the line. He has always respected Sarina, that's what makes him a great friend. Like I said, I never experienced any of this in real life but I would think real feelings would eventually come about from their contract. Their time apart when Javi goes off to Texas for military training builds their relationship. Yeah other factors helped too like...almost dying a few times but we can get into that later~

As time goes by Tyler and Sarina grow close...and then far...and close...and then far again...you get the point. Tyler isn't prince charming at first but Sarina just has a big heart, she could tell right away he needed help. The closeness with Tyler and Javi being so far away made her feelings even more confusing. Poor Sarina right? Now she has more choices out there in the world, Javi isn't her only option. Wouldn't going with Javi be...settling? I think so. He's a great guy of course but I feel like when life leads you somewhere else, it's for a reason. That reason is what Sarina is looking for.

There you have it minna (everyone). Just a little bit more about Sarina Maxine. I have a special page dedicated to her so check that out. Please leave a comment so we can chat about her. 

Next up on the list to talk about issss....(drum roll)


He's actually an important character to me and I will go into detail as to why I was so mean to give him that whole list of mental illnesses.

I know, I'm evil.

See you later~

This cover art is not yet released so...enjoy!


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