I was always a villain gal~

 To start of, I'm sorry I haven't been posting anything like I would want to. Life is soooooo busy but I don't forget about you all. 

I'm so close to reaching 1k reads on wattpad, yayyyyyyy. Please leave comments, suggestions or anything about Sarina Maxine. I love to hear from you all. 

Okay, where did we leave off? Oh yeah...we are going to talk about my favorite villain, Quinn. 

Ever since I was little I've always had a thing for the villains, I was a strange child, I know. I mean, I did love my princes but the villains were what made the movie, or story. When I created Quinn, I wanted him to have a big role in the story. As you know I am a big advocate for mental health and for many people who suffer from mental illnesses, they get a bad reputation for it. People judge you before they get to know you and so if you say you have something they go back to the latest horror movie they've seen and think the person is that. Ain't that cray cray~

Anyway, I wanted to show how mental illness is in different people. You see that Tyler has it and so does Quinn but they are totally different people. It impacts them in different ways. Tyler hides his while Quinn kind of flaunt his even though he believes he has nothing. He doesn't talk about it as he doesn't believe he has anything but his narcissism really shines through as well as his sociopath disorder. I really like those two disorders together, it really creates an interesting personality. Yeah even though Quinn is a hitman and takes no mercy on killing people, over time I do want to show the human side of him that he has. I believe no one is born evil, it's just that part of them can come out if not tamed. His parents ignored him because he was different as a child which led to him letting his mental illness take over. Quinn could have turned out differently in life but his mental illness would still be there, it would have been more manageable. 

The person who helps him, not intentionally, shows his more gentle side is Andy. While you read on, Quinn has always found Andy interesting. To get it straight, Quinn is NOT attracted to Andy sexually or emotionally. Those are some characteristics of the mental illness Quinn has. So...Quinn is not attracted to ANYONE sexually or emotionally at all but of course, he has your normal urges of intimacy if he feels like it. Just wanted to get that clear. 

Anyway, Quinn takes interest in Andy, he wants to learn more about him, especially his emotions when they perform their tasks. Andy is the only member of Cosen who refuses to kill anyone. Despite Andy living with Cosen for many years, Quinn wonders why it hasn't changed him. Even though Quinn is a terrible person, I do want to give the readers a chance to sympathize with him (you don't have to like him because let's be honest, he's not forgivable) because he didn't come from humble beginnings. He was a product of his parents, and the way he became to be was possibly avoidable. 

Do you think you can feel bad for Quinn someday? Let me know. 

See you later minna!


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