Josh the hottie

 Josh. Charming, sexy and wants all the attention, especially when it comes to women. 

I go into more detail about Josh on his special page, so go there to read a bit more:

Anyway, Josh is an interesting character and one of my favorites. Besides him being a show-off and a womanizer, he is a loyal friend to Tyler, pretty much a brother to him. Josh was affected by the loss of Tyler's parents and Andy. Of course not as much as Tyler but still, it was rough for him. He knew he had to take care of Tyler, he did not want to lose him too. He almost did though. 

As I mentioned before in my previous post, Tyler attempts suicide when he was a teenager and Josh was the one who found him just in time to save his life. This left a long-lasting impact on Josh. He always worries about Tyler's mental health and doesn't trust Tyler when he falls into one of his episodes. He worries Tyler will slip into that dark space again. Josh gets upset when Tyler doesn't take care of himself. He feels like Tyler doesn't see his issue as a big deal but Josh fears every day for his best friend. 

When the topic of what happened arises, Josh usually gets very upset and walks out, maybe even not talking to Tyler for a few days. Tyler knows that what he did hurt Josh a lot but, of course, Josh understands what he was going through and that Tyler wasn't in his right mind at the moment. 

Despite their struggles, I love the friendship they have with one another. They definitely balance out each other. Their personality is polar opposites. I felt like they are the perfect duo.

This makes Josh pretty much my favorite character (even though I said he was one of them), well he's my favorite MC. 

Maybe next time I should talk about my favorite villain. Can you guess who it may be? 

See you next time minna~

Sketch of the First Encounter of Josh and Amy (Chapter 33)


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